As a human, I would like to state that humans are the absolute worst. Here we exist with this Creator that loves us unconditionally and desires for us to find our value and significance in Him, and we continually forget it. Why do we constantly stray from the fact that we have a savior that wants to love us unconditionally without end? There's no sound reasoning behind it. Yet here I sit, a week after a beautiful quiet time where I was reminded to seek my value from the one who gave me life, and that fact has already strayed from my mind. Matthew 10:29 & 31 states "What is the price of two sparrows - one copper coin? but not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it [...] So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." And yet here I sit, eagerly awaiting wall posts and retweets in order to fulfill my need for a sense of worth. We are beyond flawed. But despite my shortcomings, I am ever grateful for a savior that unceasingly chases after my heart.
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