
aging youth

"I am so baffled by youth. It's adulthood, but it's almost like it's not real. It fades so quickly. Even by age 30, most people look different, more weathered. Laugh lines, wrinkles, not to mention internal withering away - these all happen in adulthood, too. But not in youth. You grow up to your full height and size and pretty much your features too, but then it deteriorates. You reach an all time high, then immediately start the downward spiral.... And these two people, girl and guy, walked by, teasing each other. He had on a dress shirt, and she looked nice too. But they were flirt-hitting, you know, and it got me thinking how we're grown up, but still young, and how quickly this stage fades. I mean we're only 20, and have so much shit to experience and go through and so many lessons still to learn. And yet we're adults. and yet, while we experience the rest of life, we'll be coming down from our peak, our youth - this time."
-Sarah Beltran
Aka my roommate freshman year. Basically, I am obsessed with her. NBD.
I love having friends I can have intelligent conversations with :]

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