
Three Years, Three Months, Twenty Six Days


"Valuable" in Hebrew.

At least I'm pretty sure. I'm checking with my professor today to see if that's the correct spelling.

The story

As most people know, I struggled with self mutilation for somewhere around three years total. On October 28th, 2006 I took a razor and wrote "worthless" on my forearm. I was then surrounded by people who loved me, and I finally got it through my head that through my trying to keep my pain to myself, I was hurting the people that I was trying to save from my hurt.

Ever since I hit my one year mark, I've been wanting to get a tattoo on my wrist as a reminder of the struggle I have overcome. And I think that an antonym of worthless, valuable, is appropriate.


  1. i love this idea. and i love you.

  2. YES.
    this is beautiful.
    for real. breathtaking.
    "valuable".. WOW.
    how beautiful is it that God VALUES us.!
    blowin' my mind.
    i'm such a fan.
    loveyou, buttercup.
    so much.

  3. I love you Bekah, and I'm so proud that you have found this to be true for yourself. You are VALUABLE. You're valuable to me as a friend, and even more importantly, God values you more than anything!
